
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
What to expect

Planning phase

If you are not quite ready to go ‘all in’ but want to take the next step investigating the feasibility of your project, here are some options:
  • For no cost we can investigate your state and local laws to a gain a full understanding of the requirements in your area for owner builder construction and report back to you the feasibility of the project based on your location.
  • For a flat fee we use advanced building design software to render out a detailed 3D building plan so you can see your future house in a virtual environment.
  • In the final stage of planning, we offer consulting services to render the 3D plan into actual costs for construction and lender financing to begin the loan process. In addition, these costs will be verified with local building material suppliers so surcharges can be avoided after the construction loan closes. If owner building is not the correct choice for you, this information may be used to negotiate the final building price with a local building contractor potentially saving you significant money on building material costs.
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